Alto Grande

Café Alto Grande es uno de los mejores cafés súper premium, y se disfruta en diversos lugares alrededor del mundo.

Generaciones de caficultores de las montañas de Lares, se han dedicado a cultivar las mejores semillas Arabica, 100% listas para ser preparadas en la mejor taza. La distinctiva combinación de tierra fértil, humedad, los valles y el conocimiento de los caficultores locales, hacen que podamos llevar a su mesa un café único, que se ha convertido un favorito en el Vaticano y en las cortes reales e imperiales.

Su sabor particular y su aroma dulce, definitivamente lo distingue de otras marcas y manufactureros de café.

Brand: Alto Grande
DESCRIPTION: Café Alto Grande - Capsules Expresso Café Alto Grande is one of the best super premium coffees, and is enjoyed in various places around the world. Generations of coffee growers from the mountains of Lares have dedicated themselves to cultivating the best Arabica seeds, 100% ready to be prepared in the best cup. The distinctive combination of fertile soil, humidity, the valleys and the knowledge of local coffee growers, make it possible for us to bring to your table a unique coffee, which has become a favorite in the Vatican and in the royal and imperial courts. Its particular flavor and sweet...
Weight: 0.22 lbs
Out of stock
Brand: Alto Grande

Yaucono - Ground Coffee

Weight: 0.55 lbs
Brand: Alto Grande
DESCRIPTION: Café Alto Grande - Capsules Decaf Café Alto Grande is one of the best super premium coffees, and is enjoyed in various places around the world. Generations of coffee growers from the mountains of Lares have dedicated themselves to cultivating the best Arabica seeds, 100% ready to be prepared in the best cup. The distinctive combination of fertile soil, humidity, the valleys and the knowledge of local coffee growers, make it possible for us to bring to your table a unique coffee, which has become a favorite in the Vatican and in the royal and imperial courts. Its particular flavor and sweet aroma...
Weight: 0.22 lbs
Brand: Alto Grande
DESCRIPTION: Café Alto Grande - Capsules Grand Lares Café Alto Grande is one of the best super premium coffees, and is enjoyed in various places around the world. Generations of coffee growers from the mountains of Lares have dedicated themselves to cultivating the best Arabica seeds, 100% ready to be prepared in the best cup. The distinctive combination of fertile soil, humidity, the valleys and the knowledge of local coffee growers, make it possible for us to bring to your table a unique coffee, which has become a favorite in the Vatican and in the royal and imperial courts. Its particular flavor and...
Weight: 0.22 lbs
Brand: Alto Grande
DESCRIPTION: Café Alto Grande - Capsules Lungo Café Alto Grande is one of the best super premium coffees, and is enjoyed in various places around the world. Generations of coffee growers from the mountains of Lares have dedicated themselves to cultivating the best Arabica seeds, 100% ready to be prepared in the best cup. The distinctive combination of fertile soil, humidity, the valleys and the knowledge of local coffee growers, make it possible for us to bring to your table a unique coffee, which has become a favorite in the Vatican and in the royal and imperial courts. Its particular flavor and...
Weight: 0.22 lbs
Out of stock
Brand: Alto Grande
DESCRIPTION: Café Alto Grande - Whole Bean Coffee Café Alto Grande is one of the best super premium coffees, and is enjoyed in various places around the world. Generations of coffee growers from the mountains of Lares have dedicated themselves to cultivating the best Arabica seeds, 100% ready to be prepared in the best cup. The distinctive combination of fertile soil, humidity, the valleys and the knowledge of local coffee growers, make it possible for us to bring to your table a unique coffee, which has become a favorite in the Vatican and in the royal and imperial courts. Its particular flavor and sweet...
Weight: 2 lbs
Out of stock
Brand: Alto Grande

Yaucono - Ground Coffee

Weight: 0.38 lbs